Marie Firmin, CEO and President of BlackBiz Development Group LLC (BBDG) and Black Biz Dev Inc. recently became members of the Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau (GBCVB). Membership offers unique monthly Open House Networking Events that are a great opportunity to build partnerships with some of the greatest businesses in Boston. Members enjoy event marketing and advertising, business support and countless resources and connections.
BBDG owns Ebony100.com, a digital interactive directory for Black businesses, Black professionals and multicultural businesses focused on the Urban communities. Black Biz Dev Inc. our non-profit Entrepreneurship Apprenticeship Practicum (EAP)-Training Academy is set to provide entrepreneurship, career development, literacy and financial literacy for challenged youth 14-24 and their families as they transfer from shelters and youth institutions into society. Ebony100.com, BlackBizBall event, EAP-Training, creative workshops, consulting and media programs are part of our offering. We are preparing for the future.
BlackBizBall 2023 is our third annual extravaganza event will be held in Boston somewhere in the Seaport in September 2023. The event gives 28 local Black businesses awards. Arts and entertainment Jazz, Blues, R&B, Hip Hop, art and historical display, political and business speakers, beautifully dressed businesses for networking, dancing and business vendors are all gathered in Unity. During the Ball we will give posthumous honor to Jean Michell Basquiat as his life as a youth, famous artist and person parallels in some ways paths of the lives of youth we will ultimately serve to emphasize the need for racial and economic justice in 2023.
Come One Come all to the BlackBizBall! 2023 September.
Looking for Early Sponsorship, Partnerships, Volunteers
Marie Firmin, CEO and President mfirmin213@gmil.com 617-803-0937