BlackBiz Development Group LLC promotes, empowers, trains, exposes and enlightens people on their entrepreneurial journey. Our target market is challenged Black businesses and consumers locally, nationally and globally. Our mission is to uplift and restore justice for community-based Black-owned businesses so the future of our businesses and communities are financially assured and sustainable. Our compass is the 7 principles of the celebrated African American holiday, Kwanzaa
*Unity, Self-determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity/innovation, Hope and Faith.
The BlackBiz Initiative and the component BlackBizBall com has been marked by the COVID 19 pandemic. At this time our businesses have experience the most difficult time in their experience of setting up and maintaining a business. The Initiative intends to solve problems small businesses say they experience. With collaborative strategic relationships, the support of the businesses we serve and the consumers that use these services our business will support our communities. The time is now to support our business through share equity and give to those who have been left out of so much from systemic racism and discrimination a better world of opportunity.
BlackBiz Pilot Initiative Components:
Our Business Team for BlackBiz Development Group LLC Includes:
Marie Firmin M.Ed. CAGS President, CEO
Andrea Rosario, Technical Services
Andre Rosario, MD Health
Kamal Hubbard, Media Marketing Consultants
Kenneth Fax, Esq Chief Finance Consultants
Nancy Goodman M.Ed. Administrative Executive
Lita Rosario, ESQ. Attorney
Barry Jackson, M.B.A., C.P.A. Financial Officer
Richard Phipps, Real Estate, Financial Literacy, Finance
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