Bronze-FREE Some Businesses are Temporary Free Call Marie Firmin 617-803-0937 or mfirmin2132gmail.com for support
New Business, Professionals, with low Budgets
- List in one category
- Photo or Logo
- Description
- Basic features
Silver-General- $10 month or $100 year (Interactive With Your Webpage)
Top Tear Businesses
- Experienced Businesses with Videos, Photos, Messaging to Audience.
- Websites and Social Media Connects
- Webpage with URL
- Videos, Photos, Blogs, Community Articles, Job Openings
- Link to Website
- Links to Social Media
- Use of 18 Features
- List in 2 Categories
- Front Page Priority
**Send your important announcements to your social media links, other businesses everyday, once a month and all the time! You control your Webpage!
Gold VIP- $30-Month or $299 year
Top of the Line Businesses
- Experienced Businesses with Videos, Photos, Messaging to Audience.
- Websites and Social Media Connects.
- Webpage with URL
- Videos, Photos, Blogs, Community Articles, Job Openings
- Webpage with URL
- Link to Website
- Links to Social Media
- Use of 20 features
- List in all categories
- Front page and media priority
- Local, National and Global Recognition First
**Send your important announcements to your social media links, other businesses everyday, once a month and all the time! You control your Webpage!