Ebony100 Directory Services is honored to have our Gold VIP members represented in the directory. Not because these businesses are revered but because they believe that Ebony100 Directory is positioned to take Black Businesses into the technological/digital future. Helping to solve the digital divide, employment in our communities, lost business opportunities and ways to sustainability for our businesses is our passion. Problems that the Black businesses experience stigmatize our bottom line. Ebony100 allows us to solve our individual and our collective problems together. Our platform is an answer to viewing and developing Black Business Leadership for us all. In Ebony 100 the Gold VIP leads the way! Be a Gold VIP Leader? www.ebony100.com
1. Gold VIP: Marie Firmin Ebony 100 business Directory Events, Training and Consulting mfirmin213@gmail.com www.ebony100.com
On-line Profile Directory for Black Businesses.
On-line Entrepreneurship and Career Development Class for Staff Development, Career Development and Entrepreneurship. Ebony 100 will expose your brand and get you customers from listed businesses and from organic traffic.
2. Gold VIP: Barry Gaither <edmundgaither@aol.com>,
National Center of Afro-American Artists Museum
African American Artist Displays and Openings, Historical Tours, Art Openings and Displays, Historical and Artistic presentations $5.00 donation to tour the museum, Many events including Black Nativity, Juneteenth, Big Head Community Festival! Donations please!
3. Gold VIP: David Lee, Stlll and Lee <dlee@stullandlee.com>,
Plan your home development or community development with the best architects ever? Architectural Services Commercial Projects Primarily.
4. Gold VIP: Commonwealth Mental Health and Wellness Leah <positivele@aol.com>, iRandolph@CMHW.com
Mental Health Counseling Play Performances
Need therapy or want to refer to therapy? Children and adults, schools, community programs.
5. Gold VIP Dr. Valerie Robinson, VRoberson@rcc.mass.edu Roxbury Community College
College Education Programs, Community Engagement programs for small businesses and Training
Educational programs, college classes and tons of community engagement
6. Gold VIP: RCjohnson1@comcast.net
Karibu Cottages Malibu, Jamaica
Vacation Resort in Jamaica- Author/Play Write!
Planning a quick run to the Karibu Cottages in Jamaica? Interested? This Winter!
7. Gold VIP: Richard Phipps: CFS Realty and Financial Services
Financial Literacy Training Real Estate
Credit Repair is a reality with CFS? Millionaire Program! Home Ownership Today!
8. Gold VIP: A. Forrest , aforrest@dlacps.org Davis Leadership Academy
Middle School Education based on an African Foundation! One of a kind education empowering students to the stars.
High Academic achievement and performance!
Enroll your Middle School Children.