There was a time where Martin Luther King Jr. called for the boycott of companies like COCA COLA, Wonder Bread and others. Listen here
These companies made improvement to keep Black dollars. I believe Martin Luther King and Leaders back then would have embraced the thousands of directories of Black Businesses today as a way of helping us to help each other., a digital Advertising and Marketing tool has 15 categories and 1500+ subcategories so Black businesses and leaders, businesses employing and servicing Black people can be found. If your wonderful business fits one of our categories join us today. We would love to have you and give you a webpage were you can put information daily or monthly about your business and what you are offering. Then link to your Social Media networks the same information. Our business categories are:
- Arts and Entertainment
- Automotive
- Education
- Food and Dining
- Health and Safety
- Home Services Construction
- Hotel and Travel
- Legal Services
- Medical Services
- Night Life
- Pet Services
- Professional services
- Public Services
- Shopping
- Things to do
Listing is free if you fill in all information.
Digital services with your listing is 10-30 monthly
Sponsor/Supporter $500 up
Looking to hire side-huslers for 30-50% of sales
BlackBizBall event can be included
No ayment on free listings.
Call Marie at 617-803-0937 or email