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BlackBizBall 2025 is Coming Soon!
Posted 07/01/2022 in Category 1

Spend $10 a month with a local Black business

Spend $10 a month with a local Black business

Hi Business Family,

Can you use your mathematical skills to interpret this quote for Black local businesses and send it to info@ebony100.com.

"Small businesses generate $68 of local economic return for every $100 spent with them. Over $9.3 billion would be directly returned to our economy if every US family spent just $10 a month at a local business."

Some may choose to purchase a hat, earings, shea butter, food and other products and services. But check out what $10 a month will give your business with www.Ebony100.com our digital directory you controll yourself to market your product or your service.  We give you a webpage and off you go designing and sharing your own business descriptions, websites, videos, photos, blogs, articles, events, coupons, articles, real estate Qr codes and more.  Post what you choose to your social media links and market and advertise your business daily, weekly, monthly!  Leverage your $10.00 and be smart. (Free listings get to list only with no features)