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We don’t just sell stuff...
I mean look what we do & did.
Provided a home base for designers & entrepreneurs to house & sell their products.
Held a platform for vendors to share their unique merch & make money.
Organized an annual community back pack give away with other community leaders 500 back packs filled with school supplies.
Annually have Black Santa pass out gifts to the community & shelters. 3 years in.
Sponsor community functions like fashion show fundraisers, Thanksgiving turkey give away, father daughter gala, Lynn first night, North Shore Juneteenth functions & many more...
The physical location kept Free Condoms on display for the youth, which a lot have used as a resource.
Also being participants of community clean-ups & community gardening. Cook st park & Warren st park.
During this unfortunate pandemic, we were working with the Brother's table preparing food boxes & delivering them to the families in need. & helping to package food at the Salvation Army. Essential volunteer work.
OF COURSE, we are at the frontline of the FIGHT FOR FREEDOM JUSTICE & EQUALITY. It affects us, how could we not... We are active & vocal in the community at protests, also handing out ACLU know your rights info cards & Body cameras for the youth.